Garvit Khatri

Building products

Relevant Experiences

Product Manager
Feb 2019 - Jul 2019
  • Procol, a startup that raised $1 million, is the all-in-one procurement software for commodity industry.
  • Planned contract management and multi-line product auctions and guided a team of six to implement.
  • Expanded our reach to FMCG customers. Helped in acquiring contracts more than worth ₹70 lakhs
  • Optimised and strengthened our dashboard to tripple our session length.
  • Helped in hiring new engineers in the team.
Member of Technical Staff
Feb 2018 - Sept 2018
  • Worked on Adobe Campaign, a product that helps you deliver your online and offline campaigns.
  • Engineered deployment process of front-end repositories, reducing deploy time to 5 mins.
  • Orchestrated team, deployments and two of major releases when a seven year experienced developer was on subbaticle.
  • Voluntarily organised cultural events, competitions, and aligned a project with a team of three to track progress for various competitions as part of Adobe Escape team.
July 2016 - Feb 2018
  • Initiated to break Zomato's website into UI kit, planned and delivered it with a team of three engineers and designers.
  • Designed and developed Zomato's Alexa skill, It became the most requested skill on Alexa and brought in a lot of marketing by Amazon.
  • Revamped mobile website into PWA, increasing user rettention and driving more users to our mobile Apps.
  • Introduced AMP project to reduce page load time to less than a second, increasing user satisfaction with slow internet connection.
  • Enhanced security, optimised image loading, redisigned sql quries and standardised APIs.



Aug 2015 - Sept 2015
  • Motivation: A lot of students prepare from GeeksForGeeks (GFG) for placements and preparing for GATE. GFG lacked the feature where students could have quiz from multiple topics, which proves to be very helpful during the end of preparations.
  • Execution and Result: Made a chrome extension, which prepared a random quiz of 20 questions from user-selected topics anbd helped students analyse their tests. It attracted attention in the first week of launch and had more than 1000 users in the first week. The project received appreciation from GeeksForGeeks team and an offer to work with them.


Aug 2014 - Oct 2014
  • Motivation: With 8086 being a dying microprocessor, there was a need for a web-based interpreter for students to learn.
  • Execution and Result: Wrote a web app which interpreted 8086 assembly language in JS with backend state saving. It got proposed to be used as a replacement of current kits in DTU by our department.